You can’t escape anxiety because it’s your body’s way of giving you energy and focus to deal with a challenging situation, whether it’s stress over a new job or a life-threatening event. But for one in 10 children and nearly one-third of teens and adults, anxiety becomes an overwhelming problem or disorder needing help from the exceptional mental health professionals at Sunshine Psychiatry. They offer comprehensive care for managing anxiety and regaining a balanced life. Call the office in Fort Myers, Florida, today or use online booking to request an in-person or telepsychiatry appointment.
request an appointmentWhen do I need help for anxiety?
You can’t stop anxiety. Your body is hardwired to release stress hormones and trigger a physical and emotional response whenever you feel fear or dread.
Normal everyday anxiety improves as soon as you deal with the challenge. Problems begin when anxiety doesn’t disappear, or it’s so persistent that it affects your quality of life.
Consider seeking help when your anxiety:
- Is constant or overwhelming
- Stops you from taking care of responsibilities
- Appears even if you don’t face a challenge
- Makes you change your daily routine
If you or your child have any of these signs, you can turn to the caring Sunshine Psychiatry team for help.
How does anxiety make me feel?
In addition to dread and fear, anxiety causes a range of symptoms, such as:
- Nervousness or restlessness
- Difficulty concentrating
- Problems sleeping
- Nausea
- Racing heartbeat
- Panic attacks (chest pain, excessive sweating, and difficulty breathing)
Children may refuse to go to school, have stomach aches, or have anxiety attacks when separating from parents.
Could I have an anxiety disorder?
Anxiety that doesn’t improve, worsens, or affects your life often signals an anxiety disorder. Here’s a rundown of the different anxiety disorders:
- Generalized anxiety disorder (excessive worry over everyday situations and issues)
- Social anxiety disorder (anxiety when meeting new people or in social situations)
- Separation anxiety disorder (extreme fear when apart from loved ones)
- Specific phobia (intense fear over an object or situation)
- Panic disorder (unexpected and repeated panic attacks)
- Agoraphobia (fear of leaving home alone or being in crowds or enclosed spaces)
This list doesn’t include all the symptoms you might experience for each anxiety disorder. Don’t hesitate to connect with Sunshine Psychiatry if you have any questions about your symptoms.
What treatment can help me overcome anxiety?
Before recommending treatment, your Sunshine Psychiatry therapist completes an initial mental health evaluation. They may recommend medication for severe symptoms or to prevent panic attacks. However, anxiety usually responds well to therapy.
Therapy may focus on helping you find solutions to the circumstances triggering your anxiety or teaching you the skills needed to manage anxiety. For example, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) helps you identify and challenge negative thoughts and teaches strategies you can use to change them.
Call Sunshine Psychiatry today or connect online to request an in-person or telepsychiatry appointment and take the first step toward overcoming your anxiety.