Have you ever had one of those days where you simply feel like you cannot go on? Maybe the day has ended and all you can do is think about a way to “change the channel” of your mind. Everyone experiences these feelings at some point in their life. I may see insignificant at first. Maybe you go to your family doctor and tell him/her you are just not “feeling right”. You cannot quite put a finger on it, but you know it is there.
There are many options to help with this, some as simple as exercise or participating in a hobby you enjoy. Other times it gets worse, and you find it hard just to get up and get moving. Triggers can involve not getting a promotion you felt you deserved, finding out a family member is ill or has passed, it could be the loss of a pet, or any event that shakes you to your core.
If the feeling of depression is persistent and does not go away; do no ignore it. Take action. For most people, a visit to your family doctor can help. The family doctor can recommend a person to talk to, such as a therapist or psychologist, or may even prescribe you medication to help take the edge off. Keep in contact with the person you are working with and if the current plan does not work, let them know. When the depression is persistent, you may want to seek the help of a psychiatrist who can further examine the under lying cause of your depression through a team concept.
Professions where the individual believes that they must maintain a strong personal image seem to be the most vulnerable. This includes business owners, corporate officials, law enforcement, fire fighters, paramedics, nurses, doctors, civic leaders, and many more. The stigma associated with seeking help from a mental health profession often keeps people from getting the help they need. They keep putting it off until the symptoms become worse and then take action; only after causing those around them to suffer.
If you have been feeling down, blue, or out of sorts for over a week, talk to a professional and see what can be done. If you know someone who is going through this, get them to see someone right away. Please do not wait until it is too late.